I made the list of 四字熟語 which is four-character idioms.
1. 一期一会(いちごいちえ)
:Treasure every meeting, for it will never recur
2. 誠心誠意(せいしんせいい)
:Wholeheartedly, devotedly, faithfully
3. 満身創痍(まんしんそうい)
:having wounds all over one’s body
4. 喜怒哀楽(きどあいらく)
:feelings , emotional
5. 不言実行(ふげんじっこう)
:Action before words
6. 諸行無常(しょぎょうむじょう)
:all things are in flux and nothing is permanent
7. 温故知新(おんこちしん)
:an attempt to discover new things by studying the past through scrutiny of the old
8. 花鳥風月(かちょうふうげつ)
:the beauties of nature
9. 因果応報(いんがおうほう)
:retribution, retributive
10. 森羅万象(しんらばんしょう)
:all (the whole of) creation、the universe、all nature
11. 明鏡止水(めいきょうしすい)
:a mind as serene as a polished mirror (as still water) 、a mind undisturbed by evil thoughts
12. 不撓不屈(ふとうふくつ)
13. 一蓮托生(いちれんたくしょう)
:Be in the same boar, share
14. 初志貫徹(しょしかんてつ)
:Follow through with your initial aspirations to the end.
15. 不撓不屈(ふとうふくつ)
:To have a strong will and not be discouraged by any hardship or difficulty.
16. 一意専心(いちいせんしん)
:Concentrate your mind on one thing without being moved by anything else.
17. 乾坤一擲(けんこんいってき)
:To play a game of chance with your fate on the line.
18. 勇往邁進(ゆうおうまいしん)
:To move forward bravely toward a goal without hesitation.
19. 品行方正(ひんこうほうせい)
:A person whose mind and actions are correct and honorable.
20. 質実剛健(しつじつごうけん)
:To be unpretentious, serious, strong, and resilient.
21. 堅忍不抜(けんにんふばつ)
:Persevere through the hard times and do not let any hardship move you.
22. 粉骨砕身(ふんこつさいしん)
:Strive to do your best.
23. 温厚篤実(おんこうとくじつ)
:A warm, compassionate, and sincere person.
24. 雲外蒼天(うんがいそうてん)
:If you overcome difficulties and work hard to overcome them, you should be able to see a pleasant blue sky.
25. 融通無碍(ゆうづうむげ)
:To be free and stretched, with no barriers to action or thought.
26. 七生報国(しちしょうほうこく)
:例え死んだとしても 七度生き返って国のために報いること。
:Even if you die, you must come back to life seven times to serve your country.
27. 懇切丁寧(こんせつていねい)
:To be attentive to details and to treat people kindly.
28. 破顔一笑(はがんいっしょう)
:To smile smugly with a smile on your face.
29. 迅速果断(じんそくかだん)
:To make decisions and take action quickly and decisively.
30. 誠心誠意(せいしんせいい)
:The most precious heart. A sincere heart.
31. 自由闊達(じゆうかったつ)
:To have a broad and relaxed mind and not be particular about things.
32. 独立独歩(どくりつどっぽ)
:To have a firm mindset in doing things.
33. 謹厳実直(きんげんじっちょく)
:To be extremely modest, serious, and honest.
34. 英姿颯爽(えいしさっそう)
:He looks magnificent and splendid, brave and crisp.
35. 克己復礼(こっきふくれい)
:To act in accordance with social norms and etiquette, overcoming personal feelings and greed.
36. 剛毅果断(ごうきかだん)
:To have a strong will and to do things boldly.
37. 雲外蒼天(うんがいそうてん)
:If you overcome difficulties and work hard to overcome them, you should be able to see a pleasant blue sky.
38. 拈華微笑(ねんげみしょう)
:Communicate from the heart without using words.
39. 報恩謝徳(ほうおんしゃとく)
:恩に報い徳に謝す。 恩に感謝し報いること。
:To repay kindness and to apologize for virtue. To be grateful for and repay a favor.
40. 陰徳陽報(いんとくようほう)
:If you do good deeds in secret, you will be rewarded.
41. 進取果敢(しんしゅかかん)
:A person who takes the initiative to do things proactively, is decisive, and bold.
42. 敢為邁往(かんいまいおう)
: 目的に向かって困難をものともせず、自ら思い切って、まっしぐらに進んで行くこと。
:To move boldly and headlong toward one’s goal, regardless of the difficulties.
43. 古今無双(ここんむそう)
:There has never been anything like it.
44. 緊褌一番(きんこんいちばん)
:Keep your mind focused on the task at hand.
45. 志操堅固(しそうけんご)
:To adhere firmly to an ambition, idea, or principle and not change it no matter what.
46. 剛毅木訥(ごうきぼくとつ)
:Strong-hearted, firm, and unpretentious.
47. 絢爛豪華(けんらんごうか)
:To be extravagant, gorgeous and beautiful.
48. 臥竜鳳雛(がりょうほうすう)
:A person who has not yet come into the world, but who has great power.
49. 外柔内剛(がいじゅうないごう)
:You may look calm and gentle on the outside, but inside you must have a strong will that will not be influenced by anything.
50. 精励恪勤(せいれいかっきん)
:To work hard at school or work to the best of one’s ability.
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