- Hiragana – ひらがな
- Katakana – カタカナ
- Kanji – 漢字
- Grammar – 文法
- Listening – リスニング 聞く
- Reading – リーディング 読む
- Speaking – スピーキング 話す
- Writing – ライティング 書く
- Vocabulary – 単語
This is the “Roadmap for Learning Japanese” page.
The policy is to use the best materials available on the internet.
Learning Japanese is not something that can be completed in a short period of time.
Let’s build up your skills and master Japanese little by little.
STEP1 : Beginner

STEP2 : Pre-Intermediate

STEP3 : Intermediate
Coming soon..
STEP4 : Upper Intermediate
Coming soon..
STEP5 : Pre-Advanced
Coming soon..
STEP6 : Advanced
Coming soon..
Want to learn Japanese more?
■<Free> NewsLetter for Japanese Language Learners
<Special gift!>
- Japanese Vocabulary Sheets
- Japanese Language Charts

1. Hiragana

2. Katakana

3. Grammar

4. Kanji
Let’s learn kanji.
Kanji is rarely used by itself, but is always used together with other kanji and hiragana (It is called “Okurigana”).
Therefore, it is important to learn not only the kanji by itself, but also
Meaning and Words using the kanji.
(The linked kanji sheet is a great way to practice this)
5. Listening
Listening is important skill.
Listen to Japanese every single day.
SAKURA TIPS is Japanese listening podcast which I make.
I consistently releases one podcast episode per day.
There are transcripts in Japanese and English so you can follow along with the script and double check that you heard it correctly.
You can also do some listening practice by learning grammar with Easy Japanese.
6. Reading
It is hard to continue to practice reading.
Many a little makes a mickle.
Read Japanese every day!
This is NHK website which is good for your daily reading exercise.
Each articles is short, so you can easily continue to practice reading.
Also I recommend;
This extension adds furigana of kanji above them and it helps you reading Japanese.
7. Speaking
Join a community for learning Japanese.
In SAKURA Community, you will have a chance to speak Japanese regularly through Zoom and so on.
You will also be able to communicate with other Japanese language learners, which will be helpful to keep your motivation to learn Japanese by studying and interacting together.
If you aim to be able to communicate with Japanese people, I recommend you to learn daily natural Japanese conversation.
The textbooks I made have selected phrases that can be used in daily conversation and that are often used by Japanese people
Every phrase has audio, too.
8. Writing
You can’t do everything at the same time.
I think writing is okay to put it on the back burner.
But why don’t you write a diary in Japanese?
You can enjoy other Japanese learners’s diary and communication with them in the community.
9. Vocabulary
It’s OK to learn new words as they appear in the grammar study, SAKURATIPS, reading, and SAKURA Community.
Use Flash Cards to help you remember them.
It takes time to learn a language.
If you follow this Japanese language learning roadmap, your Japanese will be at an intermediate level or higher.
Don’t be in a hurry, just start learning little by little every day.