
253. 7/5 10個の良いこと 10 Good Things

English below

Discord Community for Japanese learners!

Check SAKURA Community


SAKURA TIPSは、日本語リスニングのPodcastです。


  1. ボキャブラリーPDF作ってみた
  2. 散歩に行った
  3. 桃がおいしかった
  4. カフェラテおいしかった
  5. donationがあった
  6. SNSがバズった
  7. おもしろい本をみつけた
  8. 仕事が早く終わった
  9. 紅茶を飲んでゆっくりした
  10. 風呂でゆっくりした



I have an online community for Japanese learners.
If you want join a Japanese community and make friends who are learning Japanese, come join us.

And, I made a Japanese Speaking Textbook.
If you want to learn daily natural Japanese conversation, it’s definitely for you.
Every phrase has audio, so you can improve your listening and pronunciation as well.(CHECK HERE!)

Also, if you enjoy this content, please consider donating as a way to support me.

ありがとうございます!Thank you!

Check the description box!


■News Letter



Hello, everyone.
SAKURA TIPS is a Japanese listening Podcast.


  1. I made a vocabulary PDF.
  2. I went for a walk
  3. The peaches were delicious!
  4. The latte was delicious
  5. There was a donation
  6. My post was popular on SNS
  7. I found an interesting book.
  8. I finished work early.
  9. Relaxed with a cup of tea
  10. Relaxed in the bath


Well, that’s it for today.

I have an online community for Japanese learners.
If you want join a Japanese community and make friends who are learning Japanese, come join us.

And, I made a Japanese Speaking Textbook.
If you want to learn daily natural Japanese conversation, it’s definitely for you.
Every phrase has audio, so you can improve your listening and pronunciation as well.

Also, if you enjoy this content, please consider donating as a way to support me.
■DONATION (Thank you!)

Check the description box!

I’ll see you tomorrow.

■News Letter