
Roadmap For Learning Japanese ; Level1 – Beginner

Roadmap For Learning Japanese ; Level1 – Beginner


  1. Hiragana
  2. Katakana
  3. Numbers
  4. Grammar
  5. Get interested in Japan



1. Learn Hiragana

First, study hiragana.
Practice them over and over so that you can, read, write, and pronounce them.
Hiragana is the most basic of the basics, so learning hiragana is the first step in learning Japanese language.

STEP1: Hiragana|Learn With Full Chart (PDF) and AudioIf you want to start learning Japanese, the first step is to learn h...


2. Learn Katakana

After studying hiragana, the next step is to study katakana. Although there are no special rules, katakana is generally used to write foreign words (foreign languages) and onomatopoeic and mimetic words.

STEP2: Katakana|Learn With Full Chart (PDF) and AudioIf you want to start learning Japanese, the first step is to learn h...


3. Learn Japanese Numbers

Let’s learn numbers in Japanese next!

Japanese Numbers in Hiragana,Kanji with Audio|1 -100 and MoreJapanese Numbers 1 to 100 1 to 10|Japanese Numbers # ka...


4. Know Japanese Grammar


NHK has content to help you learn Japanese grammar.
It’s all free.
There are grammar lessons and conversation lessons. Let’s study both at the same time.
First, study lessons 1 to 10 respectively.


★ Lesson 1-10 : Website


★ Lesson 1-10 : Website


5. Get Interested In Japan

NHK World

NHK WORLD-JAPAN is the international service of Japan’s public media organization NHK. It provides the latest information on Japan and Asia.


My favorite program is Journeys in Japan
You can learn Japan and Japanese culture.



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  • Japanese Vocabulary Sheets
  • Japanese Language Charts

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