いつもSAKURA TIPSのコンテンツを見てくれてありがとうございます。
みなさんのサポートで、SAKURA TIPSを続けることができます。
Thank you for checking at the contents of SAKURA TIPS.
Your warm comments are very encouraging to me.
However, it takes a lot of time to create these contents.
It also costs .
With your support, I can continue to create useful contents for people who are learning Japanese.
There will also be rewards for those who support me.
With your support, I will be able to continue SAKURA TIPS in the future.
Plans and Benefit
執行役員 -しっこうやくいん-

$10 Per Month
- Thank You Card
You will get a thank you card in Japanese.
It’s a handwriting card. You’ll get it with PDF file.(One time) - Get Two Japanese Charts (A4/PDF) a Month (Starts from next month)
This is special version.
I don’t post them on any SNS.
They are more detailed charts than what I post on SNS.
Only patron members can get the special charts.
- Mari’s diary in Japanese
You can read my diary in Japanese in the private channel in SAKURA Community.
⇨Once you have subscribed and joined SAKURA Community, send me DM on discord! Will add you to the private channel. - Community Role
You’ll be given the role in SAKURA Community. - Online Chat
You can join the Online Japanese Chat once a month.
It is for only patrons members, so you can practice speaking Japanese with me!

*Will use Discord for online chants, so please join SAKURA Community.
DM me once you join the community on Discord. I will give you a role to access the private channel. You can get the information for an online chat there!
部長 -ぶちょう-

$6 Per Month
- Get Two Japanese Charts (A4/PDF) a Month (Starts from next month)
This is special version.
I don’t post them on any SNS.
They are more detailed charts than what I post on SNS.
Only patron members can get the special charts.
- Mari’s diary in Japanese
You can read my diary in Japanese in the private channel in SAKURA Community.
⇨Once you have subscribed and joined SAKURA Community, send me DM on discord! Will add you to the private channel. - Community Role
You’ll be given the role in SAKURA Community. - Online Chat
You can join the Online Japanese Chat once a month.
It is for only patrons members, so you can practice speaking Japanese with me!

*Will use Discord for online chants, so please join SAKURA Community.
DM me once you join the community on Discord. I will give you a role to access the private channel. You can get the information for an online chat there!
課長 -かちょう-

$3 Per Month
- Get Two Japanese Charts (A4/PDF) a Month (Starts from next month)
This is special version.
I don’t post them on any SNS.
They are more detailed charts than what I post on SNS.
Only patron members can get the special charts. - Mari’s diary in Japanese
You can read my diary in Japanese in the private channel in SAKURA Community.
⇨Once you have subscribed and joined SAKURA Community, send me DM on discord! Will add you to the private channel. - Community Role
You’ll be given the role in SAKURA Community.
係長 -かかりちょう-

$1 Per Month
- Mari’s diary in Japanese
You can read my diary in Japanese in the private channel in SAKURA Community.
⇨Once you have subscribed and joined SAKURA Community, send me DM on discord! Will add you to the private channel. - Community Role
You’ll be given the role in SAKURA Community.
There is a 30-day free-trial period.
Receiving benefits will start from the following month.
5/1~5/31 sign up
Receiving Charts and online chat start from June.
Payment will start 30 days after you sign up.
If you want to change your subscription, check here!
Change Subscription